We all know that have a dreams is something very common to all of us. But, they are not even concrete answers to what are themes and why they appears. Some people think that they are only randoms images lapsing consecutively in ours minds that appear where we are resting, and in others situations and time, when we are awake. Also could be seed that dreams are part of our daily thoughts and that have an important meaning whit a direct or indirect significance to our lives.
Every day we can have a dreams of different things, or even few dreams in a same day when we are sleeping. But also we can dream awake, imagininating somethings about the future, or remembering somethings about our an event in the past. Also in a dream you can experiment something that you can't do your real life. All this fantasy and unrealistic world is part of us, but analogously, it's a product of the real images and thought that we have in our unconsciousness. Ultimately, dreams are one why of represent our internal journey to our self, from the point of view from our subconscious who is telling to our selfs, and representing in our minds, something that defines the way we think, they are our internal perspective toward the world that are in the deepest thought of our minds.
Now I may know why I don't dream at night. I dream awake A LOT thinking about what will happen next. That might be influencing my dreams and why I don't remember anything at all.