A Small Place (Perspective Jamaica Kicaid)
It's interesting to see how a small place is Antigua to Jamaica Kincaid. In her essay, she talk from an outside perspective, from the point of view to the tourist, but from an inside perspective, if you analyze it's view from one's who lives in Antigua. As we know thanks to the author description, Antigua is small, poor, not desolated island in the Caribbean sea with it's own social problems and dilemas (like any other country in this world). During this essay Kincaid strongly criticize the tourist naturally attitude, because they as a tourist, in their commodity zone, appear irrelevance to the country's realities and issues and because the tourist do not know, neither experimente what really is Antigua.

From my pint of view, to be just, Kincaid make a to narrow judge, and a very strong critic over the tourists. Ok, it's true that the tourist seems insignificant and remoteness to the antiguas realities and that they don't realize or experiment what the real people who live their go through, but that why of think of Jamaica Kincaid is to reductionist and to dramatic because the same ones that are considered tourist in one place, are not in their precedence country, what I am trying to said whit this, is that when you realize that those that in Antigua are tourist can experiment some of the reality that happen in Antigua in her owns countries, from a different perspective but in an analogous why.
Wow! Luis, no te imagino escribiendo este tipo de cosas. Cuanto has cambiado. No te imagino, pero te felicito. Sigue así.
ReplyDeleteThat critic to the tourist for me it was too much. What she wants us to view is that everywhere we go on a trip we need to see only the problems instead of enjoying ourselves with that time we took to escape from our realities.