Monday, September 22, 2014


“La isla del Encanto”…Puerto Rico, a tropical 100 x 35 square miles island in the middle of the Caribbean sea, That is Considered property of the US territory. To be honest, I love Puerto Rico, I do not consider it, neither better nor worse than any other nation, but, yes I consider it as the nation to which I belong, it is the place that I choice to not change for any other place in the world. Their culture, tradition, mixing, charm, taste, heat, make me proud to be Puerto Rican. 

On the other hand, from the out side, in general, tend to be two view of what is the image of Puerto Rico. A negative view, where de crime in the country, the drugs problems and the big density population in such a small space, are highlighted. And a positive image, where you see the tropical atmosphere, great tourist place to visit,  the beautiful beaches and exquisites foods. 

To be objective, it is clear that is not the same being a visitor in a place vs. be a resident of the same. In Puerto Rico, as in many other countries, there are many economic, political, social problems etc ... but that does not mean that is a nation without history, tradition, culture, particularly bourgeois language and peculiar identity.

It is definitely true that Puerto Rico is not a country where everyone wants to live or aspire to live, but yes it is the country to which I belong and I intend to improve it and make it best and every day. So I'm not one who thinks that I would come out of Puerto Rico in search of a better place or better job, Instead I think that you have to make Puerto Rico a better place, a better home, and no scape form him and leave it whit no hope.

“Dead Poet Society”

In the movie Dead Poet Society by Peter Weir, we are presented with a story where a professor of English at an elite school, procurement, more than just teaching, inspirer their students in teaching them, loving what they are doing and to since the day. Here we see an unconventional teacher that tried to transmit the idea of doing your own things, which you love, instead on just keep going with the flow, which can be the parents oppressions over an ideal, the institutional rules that limit you, or even self limitations that you push to your self.

The central thesis of the film was that a group of friends, who attend to the same school, begin to have some interest in what the love of poetry is, and not see it as a simple literary work. Because of this, their were an interest in rebirth what once was "the dead poet society", which gradually awakens in them the most romantic view of the world, where they begin to procured more in the real lives values ​​rather than a simple objective knowledge of something simply for having a good grade.

In my personal opinion, through this movie we see how important is in our lives to have the ability to fully live the things each time we have the opportunity, not just expect different times to be happy, instead, be happy in every moment we live, ultimately... Carpe diem.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

"The Scrip of Me in My Family"

Objectively, how we call ourselves, as ourselves? it is impossible ... in the course of time, we create an image of whom we are and how we are; but we can not forget that we are most likely, the product of where we come from, of course, not forgetting our freedom and self-determination. And here is the importance of our family.

In my family we are five siblings (two females and three males) form the same father and mother, where I am the second child, but the first male. Normally,about me, like to my older sister, they expected the best. Lead by example, do well, succeed for myself, all these things are things that are expected of me, but these are things that I knows in the here and now of today, because I never felt that weight from my parents in general, everything was all natural and fun, but it had to be right.

All my life I have done, or have been involved in the sport, in-particular in the soccer and fencing. Because my father was belonged to the national fencing team , I wanted to do the same, and I did it, like also made other international achievements representing Puerto Rico in this sport. From this point of view, and others, my parents always was my North, as an morally  example, in which he always respect differences, and as a best friend capable of dialogue with me in different aspects about life.

I consider myself truly blessed with the family that I have, we love and defend each other no matter how far we are and what problems they have. As in all families, we are not all equal, but that does not mean that someone is better than others. In mine, I have always been able to achieve everything I want, being also an example for my smaller brothers be trying to make the best decisions by my self, where sometimes they are not  exactly what we want ,but that self taking decisions will make the product of  what we are today, making decisions and accepting their responsibilities.